Search Results | sociology of scientific knowledge

Your search for "sociology of scientific knowledge" returned 7 results

You Don't Need to Be a Genius to Pass This Knowledge Quiz, but It Would Help

Did you watch James Holzhauer's run on "Jeopardy" and think, "I could do that!" Acing this quiz would be a good start. Sorry, there are no cash prizes ... just bragging rights!

How Forensic Accounting Works

Forensic accounting involves investigating crimes within the field of finance. Learn why forensic accounting is important to government and big business.

How the Living Earth Simulator Will Work

You may have noticed that our planet isn't terribly predictable. Could a German polymath and an unfathomable pile of data change that?

How Do You Win a Nobel Prize?

How cool would that be to stand amongst the company of fellow laureates like Mother Teresa or Albert Einstein? We have some ideas for scoring you one.

What is ‘big data’?

Everything you do online adds to a data stream that's being picked through by server farms and analysts. Find out all about big data.

How Trend Forecasters Work

Trend forecasters make educated guesses about what the future holds. Is this the job for you? Learn more about what it takes to be a trend forecaster.

Causation vs. Correlation Explained With 10 Examples

If you step on a crack, you'll break your mother's back. Surely you know this jingle from childhood. It's a silly example of a correlation with no causation. But there are some real-world instances that we often hear, or maybe even tell?

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